Sunday, March 21, 2010

birthday invitations

As April approaches I realize that my baby girl will turn ONE! What happened to the past 11 months? They just flew by.

How I loved each second of Reagan's life. She is such a wonderful little person. From the moment we met, it was love at first sight. I remember looking at her little lips, little face, and tiny little hands. She was just perfect. I fell in love immediately! She was so good at life as my brother says. She would eat sleep and smile. She would hardly cry. She was the perfect baby. I am so blessed.

To celebrate such a wonderful year, Christy and I decided to take some pictures and perhaps use them for the birthday invites. Well, as it usually goes, one baby was happy and the other not so much. I am not sure what it is about taking pictures. I could NEVER be a professional photographer. As it is I am sweating, running after her, shoving little Puffs in her face just to get a smile. This is with my own child. I couldn't imagine taking photos of other children. I would be stressed and probably annoyed!

I finally decided that I don't care if she is smiling or crying. These moments are times that I will never get back. I cherish every moment we are together. I love coming home from work and watch her run up to me with a huge smile. I love that on the weekends we can stay in pjs all morning and eat a nice breakfast together. I love that she loves her sister and her family. I can't believe she is growing up. I love her so much!

Here are some of the shots we got of the girls.

Reagan not happy but very hungry.

Emily is as happy as can be!

Kylee is being her self walking off with our props.

Here she is cooperating somewhat... as long as we give her what she wants.

The girls thought it would be fun to use me as a jungle gym. My thoughts were, where are the dads when you need them??

Thursday, March 18, 2010

peanut butter stomp

It's Dancy Dance Time! My girls love the show Yo Gabba Gabba. When we first discovered this show I was seriously irritated every time it came on. The more the girls watched it, the more I got used to it. Kylee sings and dances along while Reagan gets super excited when DJ Lance walks out with his "boom box" that is Gabba Land. Now Emily and Reagan both love to watch this show with Kylee. They rock out! It is so cute to watch.
Here, Kylee is doing the dance called the Peanut Butter Stomp "out in out and squish it and squish it". If you haven't tuned in I think you should... give it a few times and you will be singing the songs throughout the day!

sweet reags

Here we are on Reagan's first St. Patrick's Day. I love her in green.

st. patrick's day

Kylee and I had a nice evening making rainbow cupcakes. I mixed the batter and she poured the food coloring into the different bowls. Thinking back, we should have traded jobs. I spent a LONG time scrubbing food coloring off of my precious little girl's hands and face.

water play in march

Can you believe this weather?? It is only the middle of March and here we are playing outside in the water. How I love living in So Cal. The afternoon started off with water play and ending with a BBQ with the fam. I can't wait for summer!!!

Reagan 10 months old

This post has no theme, rhyme or reason. I just wanted to click some pics of my baby girl at 10 months old.

the budding artist

This may be a silly post but I am really impressed with Kylee's ability to make a happy face. She explains herself as she draws. First the circle for the head, then two eyes, a nose and mouth and hair. I think this is a post only her mother can appreciate!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

at home

I love being home with my girls. They keep me so entertained and so busy! Our nights just fly by with fun. Whether we are reading stories, having tea parties, or dancing around, we have the best time together. I love that Kylee plays dress up and tries to put together 100 piece puzzles. She is getting better. She actually put Jasmine together! I love watching these girls grow and discover life. I am so in love with my family!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Church Sunday

I love Sundays. It usually starts off early since my girls are early risers. We have a small breakfast before heading out to the 7:30 service. It is such a nice time to spend worshipping the Lord and spending time with my family. The service is always great, the girls get to play together, and if Christy and I have our way, we eat a delicious breakfast at the Paris place on Birch Street.

I usually bring my big "fancy" camera and take mini photo shoots outside. Here is cute little Emily dressed as a puppy dog.

Here is my sweet Reagan walking along and stopping to smell the flowers. :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

phone trouble

So we are never and I mean NEVER going to let Reagan near a working phone again. She has already had 2 incidents one which involved the police.
The first time she got a hold of the phone she walked around with it and found her way to the bathroom. Kylee was taking a bath. Reagan decided to take the phone and "give" it to her. It ended up right in the tub. It now does not work. Did I mention that it was my parents phone??
The second time involved the police... yes she actually dialed 911. I seriously don't know how it happened. I saw her playing with the phone and then I heard it was on. I looked at the phone screen and saw the numbers 911. i freaked out and pushed end on the phone but I guess it was too late. Not minutes later the phone rings. On the caller ID it showed the L.A. county sheriff. I didn't know they were calling back about the 911 call so I didn't even pick up the phone. I kind of had a weird feeling after this and reluctantly told Kevin the whole story. Another few minutes go by and there is a knock at the door. Yep, the policemen showed up to our door!! 3 of them came in the house with their questions. I don't think they believed us because when I told them that it was the baby, he said, "hmm talented baby!"... AGH!!

Shooby Dooby on down to Ruby's

Tonight was grandma's last night in town. We took her to her favorite restaurant, Ruby's. She has been 5 times this trip alone. We all got burgers, fries, and of course milkshakes! YUM! The girls deciding what to order. :)
Me and Grams

Sweet Emily


Kylee is a girl after my own heart. In the morning, if we are ready early enough, Kylee and I drive to Starbucks to get our morning drinks. I think we have been too many times and this is why: my mom asked Kylee one day, "Where is your mom?" Kylee said, "At work". My mom said, "Where does she work?" Kylee replied, "Starbucks"!!!